Mesotherapy is a reasonable alternative to surgical methods.
It is one of the most innovative methods in aesthetic dermatology, in which a “cocktail” of various active substances of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, collagen is injected into the mesoderm (the second layer of the skin). The goal is to achieve quick and good results in the appearance of the skin of the face. In just a few days after the procedure, there is a reduction and smoothing of wrinkles, tightening and improvement of the overall healthy appearance of the skin.
This is a quick procedure, with almost no discomfort. A good option for quick hydration and deep nourishment of the skin, improving its cellular metabolism, restoring and improving its elasticity, and preventing the formation of wrinkles.
Benefits of mesotherapy:
Through several microinjections administered directly into the dermis, a sufficient amount of vitamins and antioxidants or hyaluronic acid is provided to the skin so that the cells get a natural boost.
- Improves blood flow;
- Toxins are eliminated;
- Метаболизмът на кожата се засилва;
- Активира се синтеза на колаген;
- Stops skin loosening;
- Restores volume;
- The appearance and deepening of wrinkles slows down;
- Stimulates rejuvenation.
Извън естетичните цели, при мезотерапията се инжектират конкретни области на лицето и могат се използват и за лечение на широк спектър от заболявания или болка.
Няколко часа след процедурата да се избягва нанасянето на декоративна козметика и други козметични средства.
No. The procedures do not depend on the season and can be done year-round.
The procedure is not applied during pregnancy and lactation, infections in the treated area, intolerance to certain ingredients.
Mesotherapy of the face area is performed at an interval of 20 days to a month. In the first month, four procedures are performed (every 7 days). During the second month, two procedures are performed (every 14 days), and the third month - one procedure. The effect is maintained up to 6 months after the procedures.
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